If you are looking to find out as much as possible about alimony in several minutes, take a look at our quick facts guide below.
1. What Is Alimony?
Alimony is a form of financial support or “maintenance” that the spouse who earns significantly more pays to the other spouse after the divorce.
2. Can Alimony Be Temporary?
In some cases, the spouses may agree, or the judge may order that the alimony is paid until a certain date. Temporary alimony may also be ordered during the divorce in special situations, such as one of the spouses refusing to provide financial support to the other while the other being in “real need.”
3. What Can Stop Alimony Payments?
Some reasons that may stop alimony payments include:
- The payee decides to remarry
- Your kids do not need a parent to stay at home full-time
- One of you dies
You can ask the judge to modify the alimony amount if your income has significantly decreased.
4. Why Do I Need to Pay Alimony?
The law explains alimony as a way of giving “necessary and reasonable” financial support to a spouse that needs it. The parties involved may agree on details of the alimony, or the judge can decide on their behalf. The court will consider whether the payee has “genuine need” for support and whether the payer can provide it.
5. How Can I Ask for Alimony?
During the divorce, you have the right to demand alimony. The first step is trying to agree with your spouse on the details. If necessary, inform the judge to include it as part of their legal decision regarding your divorce.
Alternatively, the court can determine if there is a need for alimony, as well as other details, such as the sum and payment dates.
6. Can I Ask for Alimony After a Divorce?
Please note that you do not have a legal right to ask for alimony once the divorce is final.
7. Do Men Have the Right to Ask for Alimony?
Yes, males can also ask alimony. The judge doesn’t consider the sex of the spouses when deciding and focuses only on financial factors.
8. Do I Need to Inform the Judge If We Agreed on Alimony?
If you are the alimony recipient, it is in your interest to include the agreement in the court order. Otherwise, the payer can decide to stop making the payments, and you will have no legal power over that decision.
9. What If My Alimony Payments Are Late?
If your alimony is a part of the court order, you can turn to the court and ask them to enforce the payment. In most cases, the chances are that the court will accept your motion and force your former spouse to pay.
10. Is There a Way to Modify Alimony?
Both parties have the right to ask the court to modify the alimony amount, but it is the payer who usually does that to decrease the paying sum. The judge will determine whether the request has legal grounds and act accordingly.