Last week, we discussed some myths about gifted students, and this week, we are expanding that discussion to myths about special education. Special education is viewed as a negative thing by many parents. However, special education classrooms provide a supportive atmosphere for students who have alternative education needs. Read on to learn all about myths about special education and why those myths are getting busted.

Special Education Classes Are For Students With Severe Disabilities

A majority of students in special education actually do not have severe disabilities of any kind. Most students who receive education have a specific learning disability such as dyslexia or ADHD. Additionally, it is important for parents to remove the stigma of severely disabled students.

Getting Access To Special Education Services Is Difficult

There are certainly horror stories about families struggling to acquire the special education services. While those cases exist, and should be talked about, many children acquire services all day without a fight. There are literally millions of children that receive special education assistance every year. The best way for parents to ensure that the process goes smoothly is to know their children’s rights.

Special Education Services Eat Into A School’s Budget

Every child has the right to free appropriate public education (also known as FAPE) according to federal law. Due to federal law, schools get federal funding for a majority of students who get special education assistance. While a portion of the school’s budget goes toward special education assistance, it isn’t much. Ultimately, students who receive special education help cost the school a nearly equivalent amount to students who do not.

Students Who Receive Special Education Cannot Be Like Other Students

One of the most common special education myths is that students in special ed programs or who receive help cannot do the same things as students without special education assistance. This is patently false. Special education students can join the exact same clubs, extracurricular activities, and teams as other students. Federal law actually states that schools must allow special ed students this level of access.

Students who receive special education may have sensory issues or difficulty with social situations. However, this does not mean that they should be excluded. Parents and instructors work together to accommodate those needs. For example, a student that struggles with auditory issues wears earplugs in order to play basketball.

Special Education Programs Isolate The Children Who Use Them

This may have been true, decades ago, when special education programs first began. Nowadays though, a majority of students who receive special education help are not pulled from their regular classroom. The laws that govern special education programs rule that teachers cannot isolate a children with special education assistance. Additionally, they cannot announce that a child receives assistance. Unless a student wants their peers to know, their special education assistance remains a secret.