If you are considering divorce, you likely have some questions regarding the divorce process. There are many details and nuances involved, so it can be difficult to give specific answers to every questions, but today we are going to answer some of the more broad and common questions that people have about divorce.

How much does it cost?

There are many different fluctuating costs depending on the specifics of the divorce. There are, however, some fixed costs which include court fees and filing fees. Depending on what state you live in, these costs generally range from $200-$500. Fluctuating costs include what your attorney charges and the amount of time it takes for the divorce to be finalized.

How long does divorce take?

There is no set amount of time for the completion of a divorce. It all depends on when you and your ex are able to agree to the terms of the divorce. Other things that can add to the length of time the divorce takes to complete include how long the marriage lasted, if there are children involved, and the amount and worth of marital property. Overall, the sooner you and your ex are able to agree to the terms, the sooner the divorce will be finalized. This does not mean that you should settle just to get it over with. You must work with your lawyer to ensure that you get your fair and equitable share that you are legally entitled to.

Is my ex entitled to half of everything I own?

In the state of Florida, the law allows for equitable division of assets. However, what is equitable is not necessarily an even 50-50 split of everything. It is important that you work with your attorney to determine what assets are marital versus non-marital assets. These non-marital assets may not be subject to division in the divorce process. Things such as premarital assets, assets that were included in a pre-nuptial agreement, or an inheritance are typically considered non-marital assets.

How much child support will I receive?

Child support is based on a variety of factors. These factors include daycare costs, health insurance coverage, parents’ incomes, as well as the amount of time that the child(ren) will spend with each parent. Another important factor is how many minor children are in the family at the time of the divorce.

How much time will my ex get with our children?

Questions are abound about custody, and the answers might change soon. There is a new law in Florida that has been sent to the governor for signature that would make it so that children will split time equally between both parents by default. Exceptions apply, of course, under certain circumstances. Prior to this law, time spent with each parent was determined by a host of factors. The decision was at the judge’s discretion pertaining to the specifics of the case.